Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wrecked, poor, naked and blind

Active or passive ownership? When a Company struggle, ownership becomes important. Strong and clear owners could make the difference between disaster and survival. Unfortunately, the ownership in our Hotel Development Group is not strong and clear.

Courage is not high either among the owner nor the Hotel employees.

Why is that? The Hotel employees is like a louse between two hard nails - the owners and the employer. Wrecked, poor, naked and blind?

The Hotel says;"We are building a modern international corporation and we welcome openess and questions!" Nobody believes in that story. The Hotel is an old fashioned company with strong roots in the long gone Soviet era. Remember, most major players in the Hotel corporation have their background from the Soviet system.

The Hotel policies is not sustainable and will not work over time. Only fair and decent conditions can survive.

Lift me – lift me from the ground and don´t ever put me down.

Our General Services and Power Directorate is currently developing a procedure on how to order a change out of defect light bulbes. Unfortunately they have lost the procedure for developing procedures. This may cause a delay in the opening of the new New Hotel untill 2014 - at least.

Changing the system from inside is suicide. Don't you ever try! Look what happened to Manuel - a rising star full of talent and intelligence.

When all our troubles and all our struggles they are through.......