Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Circus going North

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome Murmansk, how are you;
Welcome to our Circus - Welcome to Circus New Development;
Meet all our clowns;
Learn Silly Walking;
See our well trained Beagles and Seals;
Hear, hear - Mr. P is coming;

Imagine all the experts gathering and remember, an expert doesn't have to be a rocket scientist. Very often it's enough being a looooooong way from home.

And now, they'll be flooding Murmansk for the First Murmansk International Economic Forum.

Little man with his eyes on fire;
And his smile so bright;

You may have got it - the Circus is sending a big delegation to this Forum. This will create business opportunities for someone. Some circus artists will travel upper class.....

Lower classes travel lower class in open carriage according to the circus' procedures. All men and women are equal, but some are more equal than others according to the protocol.

Did you see the circus clown?
What you see and what you will hear;
Will last you for the rest of your life.

According to a recent press release the New Hotel Development will move to a new location. Top Management has found a perfect site for the new Resort and Spa Hotel.

Unfortunately you see few seals on the nice beaches due to the illegal Swedish seal hunt over the last few years.

The new hotel will have the latest in fire and safety equipment as well as requirements and instruction on Fire Safety.

To attention of the smoking workers at “Hotel New Development” and of the persons working in the building societies:

  • In connection with the complaints, about the increased frequency in cases of fires in garbage tanks because of not quench cigarette-butts, ejected by our workers and those, who work in the building, it is required to smoke only in designated smoking area.

  • We remind you about the administrative and disciplinary responsibility for the non-observance of the requirements of instruction “about the measures of fire safety in the official and offices of “Hotel New Development” by the director of branch B Fawlty and criminal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation.

Administrative and supply directorate

Holy smoke! You can face disciplinary reactions and what if there is no one else to blaim!

Stick with me and I'll ride with you;
Till the end of the line.

...on the Metro.

Hold my hand and I'll walk with you;
Through the darkest night.

...on our way to Siberia.