Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to Circus New Development

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You've heard of Oxford Circus;
You've heard of Piccadilly Circus;
You've heard of The Moscow Circus;
And this is Circus New Development;
And we've got sights and sounds and marvels to delight your eyes and ears;

Circus New Development is a subsidiary of the Hotel New Development.

Our goal is to be recognized as a modern international circus well known for our seals and monkeys.

We have the pleasure to announce that Senor Manuel from Barcelona has accepted the position as Head of the Tours and Tents division. As Head of Tours, Manuel is responsible for recruiting monkeys and seals. According to Senor Manuel the market is flooded with monkeys. He claims to know a whole bunch. However, the market for dead and living seals is very tight at the moment.

WWF and Greenpeace are very concerned by the increasing Swedish seal hunt over the last few years. Swedes have increased their hunt (or kill) in the Baltic and in the Arctic.

In Murmansk, Russia, an institute has started training seals to drill exploration wells in the Barents Sea. The team of seals headed by the Head of Seals will operate an all electric drill at the sea floor. Rosatom's new floating nuclear power plant will provide the necessary power. The seals will replace the divers currently operating sea floor drilling units. Trained sample catcher seals will swim down to the reservoir catching hydrocarbon samples.

There are no connections between the company mentioned in this video and Circus New Development.