Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wrecked, poor, naked and blind

Active or passive ownership? When a Company struggle, ownership becomes important. Strong and clear owners could make the difference between disaster and survival. Unfortunately, the ownership in our Hotel Development Group is not strong and clear.

Courage is not high either among the owner nor the Hotel employees.

Why is that? The Hotel employees is like a louse between two hard nails - the owners and the employer. Wrecked, poor, naked and blind?

The Hotel says;"We are building a modern international corporation and we welcome openess and questions!" Nobody believes in that story. The Hotel is an old fashioned company with strong roots in the long gone Soviet era. Remember, most major players in the Hotel corporation have their background from the Soviet system.

The Hotel policies is not sustainable and will not work over time. Only fair and decent conditions can survive.

Lift me – lift me from the ground and don´t ever put me down.

Our General Services and Power Directorate is currently developing a procedure on how to order a change out of defect light bulbes. Unfortunately they have lost the procedure for developing procedures. This may cause a delay in the opening of the new New Hotel untill 2014 - at least.

Changing the system from inside is suicide. Don't you ever try! Look what happened to Manuel - a rising star full of talent and intelligence.

When all our troubles and all our struggles they are through.......

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Circus going North

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome Murmansk, how are you;
Welcome to our Circus - Welcome to Circus New Development;
Meet all our clowns;
Learn Silly Walking;
See our well trained Beagles and Seals;
Hear, hear - Mr. P is coming;

Imagine all the experts gathering and remember, an expert doesn't have to be a rocket scientist. Very often it's enough being a looooooong way from home.

And now, they'll be flooding Murmansk for the First Murmansk International Economic Forum.

Little man with his eyes on fire;
And his smile so bright;

You may have got it - the Circus is sending a big delegation to this Forum. This will create business opportunities for someone. Some circus artists will travel upper class.....

Lower classes travel lower class in open carriage according to the circus' procedures. All men and women are equal, but some are more equal than others according to the protocol.

Did you see the circus clown?
What you see and what you will hear;
Will last you for the rest of your life.

According to a recent press release the New Hotel Development will move to a new location. Top Management has found a perfect site for the new Resort and Spa Hotel.

Unfortunately you see few seals on the nice beaches due to the illegal Swedish seal hunt over the last few years.

The new hotel will have the latest in fire and safety equipment as well as requirements and instruction on Fire Safety.

To attention of the smoking workers at “Hotel New Development” and of the persons working in the building societies:

  • In connection with the complaints, about the increased frequency in cases of fires in garbage tanks because of not quench cigarette-butts, ejected by our workers and those, who work in the building, it is required to smoke only in designated smoking area.

  • We remind you about the administrative and disciplinary responsibility for the non-observance of the requirements of instruction “about the measures of fire safety in the official and offices of “Hotel New Development” by the director of branch B Fawlty and criminal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation.

Administrative and supply directorate

Holy smoke! You can face disciplinary reactions and what if there is no one else to blaim!

Stick with me and I'll ride with you;
Till the end of the line.

...on the Metro.

Hold my hand and I'll walk with you;
Through the darkest night.

...on our way to Siberia.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to Circus New Development

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You've heard of Oxford Circus;
You've heard of Piccadilly Circus;
You've heard of The Moscow Circus;
And this is Circus New Development;
And we've got sights and sounds and marvels to delight your eyes and ears;

Circus New Development is a subsidiary of the Hotel New Development.

Our goal is to be recognized as a modern international circus well known for our seals and monkeys.

We have the pleasure to announce that Senor Manuel from Barcelona has accepted the position as Head of the Tours and Tents division. As Head of Tours, Manuel is responsible for recruiting monkeys and seals. According to Senor Manuel the market is flooded with monkeys. He claims to know a whole bunch. However, the market for dead and living seals is very tight at the moment.

WWF and Greenpeace are very concerned by the increasing Swedish seal hunt over the last few years. Swedes have increased their hunt (or kill) in the Baltic and in the Arctic.

In Murmansk, Russia, an institute has started training seals to drill exploration wells in the Barents Sea. The team of seals headed by the Head of Seals will operate an all electric drill at the sea floor. Rosatom's new floating nuclear power plant will provide the necessary power. The seals will replace the divers currently operating sea floor drilling units. Trained sample catcher seals will swim down to the reservoir catching hydrocarbon samples.

There are no connections between the company mentioned in this video and Circus New Development.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homesick - pining for the fiords

Every day there's a boy in the mirror asking me...
What are you doing here?
Finding all my previous motives
growing increasingly unclear.

I'm pining for the fiords. It's the last chance this year to see the Norwegian Blue before they head South to Africa or where ever. I fancy migrating birds.

A delegation of the Hotel Developments ornithologists association recently visited the Norwegian fiords to study the Norwegian Blue. Among all the locations they even visited a gas platform in the North Sea. The hotel's organization is very modern and internationally oriented with all main functions included a Head of Protocol. The Head of Protocol has decided that all Heads of other Heads shall travel in closed carriages on long overland travels in rural areas. Heads shall travel in open carriages. In urban areas Heads of Heads may well prefer to travel in open black carriages if the weather is nice and the sun is shining.

The Hotel has initiated an open prequalification among carriage manufacturers with experience of delivering open carriages to Kings and other Big Heads with the purpose of purchasing two new corporate carriages preferably with a throne type rear seat.

Some of you is staying and this could be an excellent September weekend in Moscow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yoohoo - it's the gasmen and dishwashers day

This weekend we are celebrating the gasmen and the dishwasher's day. The Oil and Gas Industry celebrate the oil-and gasmen. In the Hotel Business we celebrate the dishwashers. Imagine that without the natural gas the food had been cold and without those brave men and women washing dishes you would be eating on dirty plates. I celebrated with a bunch of other dishwashers, a big pot of boiled sheep and cabbage and too much Aquavit. It's Ramadan, but we drew the curtains and started before the sun set.

Early morning without warning
Woke me with a scare
I had that dream again
That the sun was dead

May be it was too much Gammel Reserve?

Gammel Reserve is a mix of Løitens Linie, Lysholms Linie and Gammel Opland. It's only missing some Siemers (burned twice)!

Manuel was the main speaker at our celebration. He's a splendid guy:

On behalf of collective of The Dishwashing division of The Hotel New Development and from myself personally I congratulate you on our professional holiday – Day of the worker of the hotel industry and specially all dishwashers!
It is a holiday of real masters of the business, professionals, brave people, able to overcome the most improbable barriers and to decide the challenges. From the bottom of the heart I wish you prosperity, responsible partners and economic stability in Russia and all over the world, and may our cooperation be stronger!
I wish you and your relatives health, happiness and well-being!

The girls were told to go home early Friday; courtesy of Mr Fawlty, of course. It's hard to be a woman here at the Hotel. Leaving office at 1 pm allows her to shop sausages, beer and vodka; before he arrives home.

Meet me in the summertime. Pearly lips and cherry wine. Moonshine in your hair. Just keep staring at the sun.

Me, I'm doing fine, but still missing a small car. Some of the guys around here got really big cars. I just need a small one, but can only dream.