Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All animals are equal, but

Our Circus has got a new logo. Please note that any Similarity to Present or Past Logos Is Purely Coincidental!

The Circus has newly launched a system of incentives awarded to Animals for high standards of performance. The options include Reward with Honorary Certificate, Declaration of Gratitude, Reward with Letter of Thanks and highest of all what is normally only called "The Medal".

Our Circus Director, Napoléon, has decleared that each month, pictures of the three hardest working Animals will be posted in the entrance hall. Boxer, the horse, is constantly saying "I will work harder" and "Napoléon is always right" hoping to get his picture on the wall.

Monkeys and donkeys struggle hard for The Medal and only a few will receive this high honor.

A Regulation has been issued to establish Circus procedures, organize processes, determine circus discipline, rationally maximize the entertainment and increase joke effectiveness.

The other day Benjamin, the donkey, commented these new regulations and said; "Life will go on as it has always gone on. That is - badly".

Times are not easy at the Circus these days. Will we go on for another season?

Our seals are "hunted" as they are good performers, easily trained and make good boots for cold weather.

It's not easy to point out where it started and why it ended as it did, but discipline was the key word. Napoléon was crowned Circus Emperor and even more power corrupts. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". Migrating birds are not equal and will be sent to where it's really cold.

The main problem with these migraters is that they work too long days. Migraters (and others) arrive early and leave late. That has an impact on the Circus energy bills and necessary actions will be taken to prevent excessive bills. The Circus have made an agreement with the well known company "Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler" to dispose those violating the official working schedule.

Alfred Simmonds vans will be marked "Sugarcandy Mountain Resort for Old Circus Animals" for security and comfort reasons.

The following offences will qualify for a ride with Mr. Simmond's vans:

a) Absence from the Circus with a good reason during the whole working day irrespective of the duration thereof, and also in the event of absence from the Circus with a good reason for more than four consecutive hours during the performance;

b) Appearance of the Artist at the Circus in the state of alcoholic, narcotic or another intoxication except for cocain;

c) Arrival at the Circus before 08:30 hrs;

All official Circus cars will fly the new Circus Flag.

Please note that any Similarity to Present or Past Flags Is Purely Coincidental!