Saturday, January 30, 2010

Circus in BIG trouble!

Blind and deaf have discovered that the Circus New Development is in BIG trouble. Will we remain a powerful Circus or will we end up as a Tivoli?

Once again the big guys may meet or not to make some big decisions.

Once again the black cars may roll up and again all others will be requested to park their cheap cars at a good distance from the New Development main building.

Below a peaceful and quiet surface on a cold winter day in Moscow the heat is on and it's boiling.

Circus or Amusement Park - that's the main question. It's reason to believe that the transformation from a lively Circus to a Virtual Amusement Park will be smooth as cream. From reliable sources we know that Circus representatives recently visited Euro Disney for inspiration.

The virtual "roller coaster" will be tremendous. You'll never ever experience a roller coaster with such high highs and equally low lows.

In this roller coaster it's your mind and taught that does the travelling - up and down. Experienced Circus workers know this. Even the less experienced have had their trips.
You can ride in the morning - even before getting out of your bed, during days and evenings and after going to sleep at night.
And best of all it's free of charge, but unfortunately very tiring for those riding all days and all nights.

Kids of all ages love carousels with horses turning round and around in circles. Not too fast, but in a slow and friendly pace. This is a well known situation for Circus workers.
Moving around in circles - nicking and nodding - is very much like being a carousel horse.

Some of our Circus friends look into street artist opportunities with its advantages and downsides. The main advantage is that you can make a living in all the nice places - Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Buenos Aires, Berlin, New York, Wien and Sydney and the downside is that you have to be damned good to survive.

Fortunately there are other opportunities.

From Foggy Towers we hear that the Circus Agency is opening up a new Circus in Elbaq. For this new venture or adventure all kind of Circus workers will be needed. Circus workers in the old Circus New Development will be offered work in this new Circus New Development. This new Circus will be even more challenging than the old Circus. Cultural training is a prerequisite and at the same time not a guarantee for success.