Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's drink to the death of a clown.

My makeup is dry and cracked on my chin
I'm drowning my sorrows in whisky and gin
The lion tamer's whip doesn't crack anymore
The lions they won't fight and the tigers won't roar

So let's all drink to the death of a clown

The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
Nobody needs fortunes told anymore
The trainer of insects is crouched on his knees
And frantically looking for runaway fleas

Let's all drink to the death of a clown

Thanks to all that has been following this blog.
Now it's all over.

My time at the Circus is history.

It has been sad to see the results of incompetent leadership at the Circus.

A wise man said that the mature fruits finally falls to the ground.

Let's hope that mature (or rotten) fruit will fall to the ground!

All the best to all of you!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There's a place

There is a place,
Where you will go,
When you feel low,
When you feel blue.

I think of you,
And things you do,
And when you go,
The way you go,
To Teriberka.

Look forward to test the newest environmentally friendly Teriberka style SUV!

While you are there, we recommend a visit to the Fisherman's Club. This is where you will find the authentic Teriberka folks.

This young fisherman's daughter had to dress up in a fishing net for Saturday's local disco. As you know it's cold up there and fishing nets are not the most warming outfit. This area really needs new jobs and new development.

The villagers are waiting for the gasmen to arrive. This will bring money and fun. Night clubs and discos are popping up all over the place and the ladies leave work early to properly prepare for parties. The gasmen are coming!

Blue Men in Foggy Towers

The Moscow Winter Poetry Festival recent took place at the Writers Palace:

There is a place in Moscow town
Where creatures move around
You cross the river further down
And creatures will be found

But don’t get scared when they appear
‘cause all are looking blue
Just make a cross and then you swear
But this you have to do

The place is called “The Foggy Tårn”
It suits the place so well
You enter there and are forlorn
Don’t try I sure can tell

The blue men hide in “Foggy Tårn”
Disturb them not, I pray
They walk around, no thought is born
But watch your back, I say

There is a place in Moscow town
Where blue men still exist
Their influence will let you down
And you must but resist

You wonder how I know so well
The way of bluish men
I know so well their causing hell
‘cause I was one of them

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Get rid of the boss!

Clowns, line dancers and acrobats! It's time to get rid of the Circus Director! Be creative and have fun while doing it.

So, where do you think your boss will end up - heaven or hell? Well, it's not for us to judge, but we may have an opinion.

The show must go on and clowns, line dancers and acrobats all need some nightly entertainment. Saturday night or more precisely Sunday morning at 2 am G Bull dressed up in one of his favorite outfits and headed for Rai - one of his nearby clubs.

Cues were long and face control strict, but that was not a problem for Bull. Fortunately one of his friends had forgotten her mascara in Bull's apartment.

Visitors from around following the blog just now.

Here in the Circus we have a few dwarfs. One day a stupid idiot knocked one of our friendly dwarfs in the head. He hoped to get 40 gold coins having read on the web about dwarfs becoming gold coins when knocked in the head. You should not believe everything you read on the web!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where do we end?

Where do we go when we die? Some would like to think Bergen is the place and rightfully you could question if that's for the good ones or the bad ones. Some hope going into orbit and some may well go into orbit.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

We believe in changes for the better.

Tiocfaidh ár lá, as a friend of mine will say.