Sunday, October 11, 2009

Coming from the land of the ice and snow

Never did we see so many migrant workers as when the Hotel and Circus workers were handed over their new work visas. Their faces were shining bright in relief for not having to sneak around corners and dark back streets in fear for being stopped by the police the upcoming weekend. No bands were playing, but speaches and joyfull cheering.

We come from the land of the ice and snow,
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands!

Next week the Board of Directors will meet at the Hotel and the Administration will warn us not to park personal cars within the area adjacent to the Hotel building.

Уважаемые коллеги,

В связи с проведением Совета директоров, прошу Вас не парковать личные автомобили на прилегающей близлежащей территории к гостиницы зданию, расположенному по адресу: г. Териберку.
Департамент по управлению делами

* * *

Dear team,

In connection with the meeting of the Board of Directors, please do not park personal cars within the area adjacent to the Hotel building in Teriberka.
Administrative and General Services Department

Black cars will roll up in front of the Hotel with their highly respectable passengers. Mind you - the cars will not leave, but stay with sleeping drivers and running engines polluting our air.

The staff will be waiting for breaking news. Any big decisions? In a few days we will know.